Monday, November 17, 2008


  • hugs with the bf, especially when he strokes my hair
  • stroking the cat and when she lies on my lap
  • watching dvds


  • surgery - I'm in a world of hurt
  • uni... not feeling the capacity to get it done

that is all...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I've had a rather draining day...

I had to see the Dr over an ongoing serious illness I have - I need to up the medication...

I have an operation scheduled on Friday.

I suspect my boyfriend has some sort of problems at the moment but is not willing to speak about them at the moment - wanting to come home and curl up with him instead it's like a war zone. He's drunk, belligerent, and completely unreasonable. Though he did appear to make dinner and do the dishes.

Work is crap.

Monday, November 10, 2008

5 things to smile and snarl about

  • finishing and handing in one of the left over pieces of assessment - YAY!
  • having understanding lecturers in the first place
  • drinking one glass of champagne
  • not having to worry about cooking dinner tonight
  • watching Californication


  • having 4 more pieces of assessment to complete - GRRR!
  • feeling overwhelmed by this
  • house inspections during exam/take home exam time
  • taking today off work to finish the assessment piece
  • lacking motivation

Geez that was rather hard, but is all for now...

An intro

Ok, I tried a different blog provider and didn't like them, so I thought I would set up shop here.

I'm rather slow in the uptake of different technological wiz gadgetry - blogs included. Though I do follow a number of friends blogs (coz they moved away), and some other people's blogs who I don't know at all. Ain't the interwebs grand?!

The blog is called smile and snarl, coz, I live too much in my head. I think too much, I obsess over things - so here are some electronic musings of the smiley and snarly variety that go on in my head...

And I don't mind if no-one reads this blog... it's completely self indulgent... yee hah!