2008, as I said earlier, for me at least, was the year of the hospital.
However 2008 was also an epic year in other arenas -
on the side that makes me smile:
- the Federal Government finally said sorry to the Stolen Generation (thanks Kevin07);
- those speculators in the financial markets finally found out that betting against prices (interest rates/currencies/weather/etc take your pick)/packaging debt obligations to be onsold etc anything that didn't have a viable asset attached to it is EMPTY! and ta da they created "negative wealth";
- the United States elected its first Black President;
- Morris Iemma finally went ta tas;
- the federal Liberal Party is in disarray and the state branches don't appear to be much better;
- ACDC releasing an album and someone linking this and previous ACDC releases with the declining stock market in the UK...
On the side that makes me snarl:
- the disquiet still going on in East Timor;
- Zimbabwe (where one of my parents were born);
- what is going on in the Gaza Strip;
- Federal Labor Govt and its climate change targets/industrial relations legislation/internet policy;
- poor town planning in Sydney that makes it difficult to cycle without fearing for your life;
- NSW Labor Government for oh so many reasons...
I'm sure there's more but I'm in a semi smiley mood... reflecting seems to have that calming effect.
On reflecting about the coming year, I'm not sure if I will make NY resolutions... I usually don't because the one year that I set resolutions, 2 weeks before the following NY I realised I hadn't done anything I said that I was going to do...