Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Much smile? bring on the crosswords of the cryptic variety

The festive brunch time celebration and the couple of days following were bliss - eating, drinking (alcoholic and non alcoholic varieties of drinks naturally!), swimming, relaxing, spending time with the bf's family, playing cards, watching football etc...

I had an epic smile - one that I thought would herald in the new year.

Alas this is not to be... I don't exactly have my snarl on, but I've definately got smile failure.

I stayed home on Sunday night, spending time with the cat and trying to get more than 3 hours of sleep that night. The bf went out with his siblings and it seemed that things were going to be ok..

well it seems that there was a little too much drinking, words were had, and that the smile that I thought would pull me through my after-new-years-mostly-blood-and-soon-to-be-extended-meet-the-families-gathering-for-my-younger-sibling-and-the-live-in-partner, is not to be.

Instead I find myself calling a stack of people to find out what happened and listening to my bf vent, whilst the house cleaning I wanted to get done before NYE proper is getting further behind.

It looks like I've had to change my plans for the nye festivities - blah! And I think it will be easier to go solo to my blood and extended family shindig (no need to subject the bf to years of pent up everything thrown together at a special event!).

On a side, and smiley note, the Summer Herald has a guide to the cryptic crossword for those of us who don't quite get how to do them... I am epic smile when I sit down and do them!

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