Saturday, February 14, 2009

trying to move on

here's to the Senate passing the stimulus package!!!!!!!1!!! Sure $900 is $50 less than $950 but I can still do with $900. For once I feel rewarded for doing my tax on time. Like others, in my mind the moneys already been spent (dvd, microwave for example).

I'm going to be a little bit self indulgent, for just a moment.
Slowly I'm getting myself back on track. The situation, despite wanting it to be over sooner rather than lately, is looking for resolution mid March (which I realise is still the timeframe initially indicated). I'm still feeling very sad, and heart sore.

In some ways the busyness of work has been able, in part, to take my mind off what's going on. I've even been offered some other work that, fingers crossed, will pan out. I'm keeping myself busy and find that doesn't help as much as what I thought it would. Trying to move is more difficult that I thought.

The cat thing didn't work out - there were other reasons for taking the cat back (it wasn't eating, was sad at moving house etc). Going through that process, I realised I was looking for a cat that was going to be exactly like the one before (temperament, personality, etc), however looks didn't matter. So until I've got myself moved on I'm not going to be adopting a cat anytime too soon.

I'm not seeing anyone, and I don't see that changing anytime too soon either. I thought I had met the person I was going to settle down with for the rest of my life - alas not to be. Finally I have realised that there is not likely to be any reconciliation, which makes me even more sad.

I think to last Valentine's Day - it was magical. This one feels like the Nothing from the "Never Ending Story" has become enscounced in my life story (where's the white horse when you need it!).

Whilst I don't want to sound like all those single people out there downing on Valentine's Day - I hope those that have a special loved one, have a magical and special day (if you celebrate). Even more so, make every day magical and special.

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